Online Poker has exploded within the past decade into a major industry in which Pokerstars, the largest online poker site in the world, has amassed a revenue of $1.4 Billion a year. This industry has accumulated such a massive market share in such a short stretch of time because of the benefits it provides the player over traveling to a physical casino. Being able to play Online Poker in your own home is a major reason for why many people have transitioned from playing in a casino to playing online via the internet. Playing multiple tables simultaneously instead of being confined to playing only one table is another factor that contributes to the success of Online Poker. Online poker sites offer players a wide variety of games and stakes that they can select from. Besides offering a wide variety of games, the sites also has games readily available at any time of the day.
Games being readily available at all times of the day however doesn't change the fact that they take a percentage of the money that is played before or after every game. The money that is collected is called "Rake". Addiction is also another worry for people that play Online Poker because people who get addicted find it very hard to pull themselves away from playing resulting in losing time, money, and even loved ones.
Online Poker is a choice that is favoured by many because of the convenience and the wide variety. But just because it is convenient doesn't always make it the right choice. Endlessly playing will only lead to an abyss of lost time and money.